I recently read a lot about CQRS and for me it seems like it's closely tied up to Event Sourcing.
But like this answer said https://stackoverflow.com/a/9217461/277067 For me Event SOurcing seems a bit too complicated/scary for a beginners like me ("what ? my object current state is nto stored anywhere ??").
So i'd like to know if indeed they are tied up or if there is any tools/famework that would help for doing cqrs (event observer, command handler) without the complicated part of event sourcing.
Short answer: No, CQRS and event-sourcing are not tied to each other.
Long answer: No, CQRS and event-sourcing are not tied to each other, and they aren't tied as well to domain-driven design (DDD).
If you want to define what CQRS, event-sourcing and DDD are in a few words, you may come up with explanations as the following ones (yes of course, they are over-simplified, but that's exactly the point here):
Each of them works without the others very well. E.g., you can model a domain using DDD, and then implement it without CQRS or event-sourcing. You may also do event-sourcing without ever needing DDD or CQRS. And so on…
But: The three concepts play very well together, which is why they are often called together within a single sentence. So, no they aren't tied to each other, but they make a lot of sense in combination with each other.
The following picture shows how they may interact with each other:
(The image is taken from the documentation of wolkenkit, a CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript and Node.js.)