I am looking for a function or class that can effectively outline a class:
class MyClass{
* Perhaps include the function comments
* in the function.
function mainFunction(){
//Does Something
function functionWithArgs($arg1,$arg2=false){
//Does Something
//The function I want will give e the arguments w/default values
Is there a function or library in existence that can give me some kind of access to the information about this class, or even the file.
Does anybody know of either, or know a way of easily writing this?
Take a look at the PHP Reflection API
//use the ReflectionClass to find out about MyClass
$classInfo = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
//then you can find out pretty much anything you want to know...
$methods = $classInfo->getMethods();
//you can even extract your comments, e.g.
Note that for the comment extraction to work, they have to be formatted like PHPDoc / Doxygen comments, and begin with an opening /**