Referring to this link
I took this code section :
// CreateNote dialog
bot.dialog('CreateNote', [
function (session, args, next) {
// Resolve and store any Note.Title entity passed from LUIS.
var intent = args.intent;
var title = builder.EntityRecognizer.findEntity(intent.entities, 'Note.Title');
var note = session.dialogData.note = {
title: title ? title.entity : null,
What i don't understand is what does 'CreateNote'
represent in this section?
And referring to this line :
var title = builder.EntityRecognizer.findEntity(intent.entities, 'Note.Title');
Assuming my intent name is calendar.add
and my entity name calendar.location
will the intent.entities calendar.add.calendar.location
create any confusion.
That's the internal identifier of the dialog, and can be referenced where necessary.
Regarding the second part, I don't think it will create confusion, but if you'll get back to this code two weeks later, you will scratch your head thinking why is it named that way, so it's more of a logistics kind of thing, in my opinion.