I'm trying to add/edit a sudoers file in Chef.
After a lot of serach (and broken sudoers) I found this question and the answer seemed to be exactly what I am after.
So in my chef I added the following visudo
The recipe: ~/chef-repo/cookbook/visudo/recipes/allowUpgrade.rb
template '/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade' do
cookbook 'visudo'
source 'allowUpgrade.erb'
group 'root'
mode '0440'
verify "visudo -c -f %{path}"
My template: ~/chef-repo/cookbooks/visudo/templates/allowUpgrade.erb
username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/upgrade
When I put this line/file there manually using
sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade
(I know one shouldn't) and then verify it using
visudo -c -f /etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade
I get
/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade: parsed OK
and it works meaning I can run
sudo upgrade
without beeing prompted for the sudo password.
However it is not working using Chef. I'm trying it first on the local machine using
sudo chef-client -z --runlist 'recipe[visudo::allowUpgrade]'
But I get this error
Error executing action `create` on resource 'template[/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade]'
Why is the verification failing in chef? What am I doing wrong?
Here the complete error message
Recipe: visudo::allowUpgrade
* template[/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade] action create[2017-12-07T08:24:50+01:00] INFO: Processing template[/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade] action create (visudo:: allowUpgrade line 7)
Error executing action `create` on resource 'template[/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade]'
Proposed content for /etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade failed verification #<Chef::Resource::File::Verification:0x0000000004070c48>
Resource Declaration:
# In /home/username/chef-repo/.chef/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/visudo/recipes/allowUpgrade.rb
7: template '/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade' do
8: owner'root'
9: group 'root'
10: mode '0440'
11: source 'allowUpgrade.erb'
12: verify 'visudo -c -f %{path}'
13: end
Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /home/username/chef-repo/.chef/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/visudo/recipes/allowUpgrade.rb:7:in `from_file'
template("/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade") do
action [:create]
default_guard_interpreter :default
source "allowUpgrade.erb"
declared_type :template
cookbook_name "visudo"
recipe_name "allowUpgrade"
owner "root"
group "root"
mode "0440"
verifications [#<Chef::Resource::File::Verification:0x0000000004070c48 @command_opts={},
@command="visudo -c -f %{path}", @block=nil, @parent_resource=<template[/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade]
@name: "/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade" @before: nil @params: {}
@provider: nil @allowed_actions: [:nothing, :create, :delete, :touch, :create_if_missing]
@action: [:create] @updated: false @updated_by_last_action: false
@source_line: "/home/username/chef-repo/.chef/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/visudo/recipes/allowUpgrade.rb:7:in `from_file'"
@guard_interpreter: nil @default_guard_interpreter: :default
@elapsed_time: 0 @source: "allowUpgrade.erb" @cookbook: nil
@local: false @variables: {} @inline_helper_blocks: {}
@inline_helper_modules: [] @helper_modules: [] @declared_type: :template
@cookbook_name: "visudo" @recipe_name: "allowUpgrade" @owner: "root" @group: "root" @mode: "0440"
@verifications: [...] @path: "/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade">>]
path "/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade"
When I leave the verification out and just do
template '/etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade' do
cookbook 'visudo'
source 'allowUpgrade.erb'
owner 'root'
group 'root'
mode '0440'
verify { 1 == 1 }
The sudo is broken! In recovery mode and the root console I checked and it looks just the same as when I insert it manually (what works fine)?!
Thanks to the help of Tensibai here in the comments and the hint to lineendings
I could finally solve this problem.
Indeed the issue was lineendings as noted in this ancient Issue
I generated the cookbooks, recipes and templates on an Ubuntu Server 16.04 but do all m editing on the repository in Brackets.io on Windows.
This made template (and other) files have CRLF
instead of LF
lineendings because Brackets seems to use automatically the lineendings of the OS it is running on. This ofcourse made the /etc/sudoers.d/allowUpgrade
file brake the sudoers
because it has to end in a new line.
After some research I found this was an old known Issue and could be solved by the Plug-In Newline.
After installing this Plug-In indeed I could see that the file had CRLF
I switched it to LF
thanks to the Plug-In by clicking on the CRLF
. Now my cookbook runs as expected and I'm able to run
sudo upgrade
without beeng prompted for the password - meaning it works.