I want to create a generic wrapper around Polly framework so that can have single implementation. In order to achieve it I have written below code
private Policy GetPolicy(EType eType)
var policy = default(Polly.Policy);
switch (eType)
case EType.T:
policy = Policy.Handle<SomeException>().Retry(n, x => new TimeSpan(0, 0, x));
return policy;
And I am using the above method in one of my wrapper methods
public TOutput Execute<TOutput>(Func<TOutput> func, EType eType)
var policy = GetPolicy(eType);
return policy.Execute(() => func());
Now in order to consume it I have written a sample method
var handleError = new HandleError();
var connection = handleError.Execute(() => factory.CreateConnection(), ExceptionType.Transient);
Till above all works fine, but as soon as I start calling the same in a method which takes parameter, then it throws error as
var handleError = new HandleError();
handleError.Execute(() => channel.ExchangeDeclare(queueDetail.ExchangeName, ExchangeType.Fanout), ExceptionType.Transient);
The type arguments for method 'HandleError.Execute<TOutput>(Func<TOutput>, ExceptionType)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
You need two Execute
overloads, one for functions that return value and another for those which do not:
public TOutput Execute<TOutput>(Func<TOutput> func, ExceptionType exceptionType)
var policy = GetPolicyFromExceptionType(exceptionType);
return policy.Execute(func);
public void Execute(Action action, ExceptionType exceptionType)
var policy = GetPolicyFromExceptionType(exceptionType);
Then you can pass anything there, including functions with parameters:
// calls first overload
Execute(() => ImReturningValue(parameter1));
// calls second
Execute(() => IDoNot(parameter1));
method also has the same overloads (one for Func, one for Action) - so you will have no problems to pass either one to it.