Can I add a trigger to HCATALOG to track any changes to HIVE tables? I want to notify an audience about the HIVE table changes. If adding triggers is not possible, what are the other approaches?
You can query the Hive metastore as below
Example Query
SELECT d.*, t.*
FROM hive.TBLS t
JOIN hive.DBS d
ON t.DB_ID = d.DB_ID
WHERE t.CREATE_TIME BETWEEN unix_timestamp('01-Dec-15 10.00.00', 'dd-MMM-yy')
AND unix_timestamp('07-Dec-15 10.00.00', 'dd-MMM-yy');
This query gives you all tables created between 1st Dec 10AM to 7th Dec 10AM.
SELECT the columns you are interested in.
Hope this helps