As I was finishing off a game I made, I made a save button that saves to a file. When the game opens, it will then read the file and save those lines as variables. I do so, but then I see that it needs to be an integer, so I use int()
. But then it does not work, because the variable is "0\n"
instead of "0"
. I have checked many other questions, but they do not ask or answer the same question.
So I am wondering, is there a way to readlines()
without the \n
at the end? Or is there a way that I can backspace the variable automatically? Here is my code:
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
# --- functions ---
def eggvalue_change():
global eggvalue, eggvalueupgrade, money, eggz
if money > int(round(eggvalueupgrade)):
eggz -= eggvalueupgrade / eggvalue
eggvalueupgrade += int(round(eggvalueupgrade + (eggvalueupgrade / 7)))
def moar_eggz():
global eggzps, chookz
chookz += 1
def saving():
def main_loop():
global eggz, eggzps, money
eggzps = chookz / 100.0
money = eggz * eggvalue
openbutton2.config( text="Egg Value: " + str(eggvalue) + " --> " + str(eggvalue+0.2) + " ($" + str(eggvalueupgrade) + ")", command=eggvalue_change)
label2.config(text="Money: $" + str(int(round(money))), font=("Terminal", 50), borderwidth=5, relief="ridge", bg="black", foreground="white",pady=10, padx=498)
if eggzps >= 10:
label1.config(text="| Chickens: " + str(chookz)+" | Eggs: " + str(int(round(eggz)))+" | Eggs Per Second: " + str(int(round(eggzps)))+" | Egg Value: $" + str(eggvalue) + " |", font=("Terminal", 20), borderwidth=4, relief="ridge", bg="black", foreground="red",pady=10, padx=498)
elif eggzps < 10:
label1.config(text="| Chickens: " + str(chookz)+" | Eggs: " + str(int(round(eggz)))+" | Eggs Per Second: " + str(eggzps)+" | Egg Value: $" + str(eggvalue)+ " |", font=("Terminal", 20), borderwidth=4, relief="ridge", bg="black", foreground="red",pady=10, padx=498)
if money < int(round(eggvalueupgrade)):
elif money > int(round(eggvalueupgrade)):
except Exception as e:
print(e) # display exception to see problem
root.after(20, main_loop)
def update_eggz():
global eggz
eggz += eggzps
except Exception as e:
print(e) # display exception to see problem
# repeat it after 1000ms
root.after(1000, update_eggz)
# --- main ---
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Chicken Clicker")
savedfile = open("savedata\\mainsave.txt", "a+")
savedlines = savedfile.readlines()
print savedlines
if savedlines == []:
eggz = 0
eggvalue = 0.2
chookz = 0
eggzps = 0.0
eggvalueupgrade = 100
money = eggz * eggvalue
eggz = int(savedlines[0])
eggvalue = int(savedlines[1])
chookz = int(savedlines[2])
eggzps = int(savedlines[3])
eggvalueupgrade = int(savedlines[4])
money = int(savedlines[5])
# empty labels - `update_labels` will add text
label2 = tk.Label(root)
label1 = tk.Label(root)
chickencnv ="img\\1.png")
chicken = ImageTk.PhotoImage(chickencnv)
openbutton3 =tk.Button(root, bg="black", fg="white", font=("Terminal", 13), command=saving)
openbutton2= tk.Button(root, bg="black", fg="gray", font=("Terminal", 15))
openbutton1= tk.Button(root, image=chicken, width=500, height=500, command=moar_eggz, bg="black")
# run it first time at once
If there is no answer, I am fine with you commenting or answering that.
First of all, your code have logical bug.
if savedlines == []:
eggz = 0
eggvalue = 0.2
chookz = 0
eggzps = 0.0
eggvalueupgrade = 100
money = eggz * eggvalue
eggz = int(savedlines[0])
eggvalue = int(savedlines[1])
chookz = int(savedlines[2])
eggzps = int(savedlines[3])
eggvalueupgrade = int(savedlines[4])
money = int(savedlines[5])
You check wheter savedlines
is empty list and set some values accordingly. But, if this is true, following lines will fail with IndexError
, since your list is empty. You need to change this to:
if savedlines == []:
eggz = 0
eggvalue = 0.2
chookz = 0
eggzps = 0.0
eggvalueupgrade = 100
money = eggz * eggvalue
eggz = int(savedlines[0])
eggvalue = int(savedlines[1])
chookz = int(savedlines[2])
eggzps = int(savedlines[3])
eggvalueupgrade = int(savedlines[4])
money = int(savedlines[5])
Now, to address the question. After the line:
savedlines = savedfile.readlines()
You should add following line which will strip \n
from the end of the lines:
savedlines = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in savedlines]