So, I am using alamofire and object mapper library from github.
In my function there is this code
Alamofire.request(urlRequest).responseObject { (response: DataResponse<News>) in }
I do the response checking together with the status code also
switch response.result {
case .success:
if let object = responseObject {
case .failure(let error):
if let statusCode = response.response?.statusCode {
var message = String()
switch statusCode {
//status code checking here
else {
var message = String()
message = error.localizedDescription
So i have several api calling and all of the api calling will also implement this status code checking. I don't want to keep copy pasting this chunk of code for all my api call function
So what i am planning to do is to create a dedicated function to check the status code from the api call
But i face one problem. How can I create a generic function parameter that accept all type of DataResponse<>?
I tried to run this code but failed
// validateResponse function
static func validateResponse(dataResponse: DataResponse<Any>) -> String {
// status code checking here
// inside the alamofire.request response
validateResponse(dataResponse: response)
// return me this error
Cannot convert value of type 'DataResponse<News>' to expected argument type 'DataResponse<Any>'
The DataResponse<> will always change based on the model provided into the alamofire.responseObject
Can anyone guide me on how to do it properly? Thanks!
You need to use generics!
static func validateResponse<T>(dataResponse: DataResponse<T>) -> String {
// status code checking here
validateResponse(dataResponse: response)
The generic parameter T
will be inferred be News
it will be as if the method is like this:
static func validateResponse(dataResponse: DataResponse<News>) -> String {
// status code checking here