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How to return a value from a function

I have an ArangoDB function that queries all the documents in the instanceCollection, inside databasehelper.js:

listInstances = function listInstances() {
    var instances = db.query(aqlQuery`
    FOR doc in instanceCollection
    RETURN doc
        cursor => cursor.all()
        result => {
            return result;
    return instances;

Also, I want to use this function to reflect the JSON query to an Express API:

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    var allInstances = databasehelper.listInstances();

The api result was nothing but an empty JSON {}. How can I reflect the result of my ArangoDB query to my Express API call?


  • Understand how promises work. The following is an idea on how it should be designed.

    databasehelper.js => Return a promise

    listInstances = function listInstances() {
        return db.query(`some query`)
        .then(cursor => cursor.all())

    in the route, => fetch the data from the promise

    app.get('/', function(req, res) {
        .then(result => {