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Openshift 3: How to create a cron job?

I have been trying to create a cron job on my Openshift 3 Starter app. I have read the docs HERE but I guess I'm not understanding them correctly.

I would like run a simple python script that prints out a timestamp every minute. I have tried the following to set up the cron job.

 oc run tcron --schedule="* * * * *" --image=python --restart=OnFailure -- python vscan/

The above command gives me the error:

 Error from server (Forbidden): User "<MY EMAIL ACCOUNT>" cannot create cronjobs.batch in the namespace "vscan": User "<MY EMAIL ACCOUNT>" cannot create cronjobs.batch in project "vscan" (post cronjobs.batch)

What is the correct way of creating a cron job on openshift 3 starter?


  • Jobs are only available in the OpenShift Online Pro environments. You can see what you get in Starter compared to Pro at: