I'm trying to use numba to boost the python performance of scipy.integrate.odeint. To this end, I have to use @nb.jit(nopython=True) for the function defining the ODE system. However, this function has to take another python-class instance as an argument in my program. I had to jit the class also with @nb.jitclass(spec) with appropriate specs. This worked fine, until I found a serious issue when the specs of the class includes another type of class instance as its method. My code is following.
import numba as nb
from scipy.integrate import odeint
spec1=[("hi", nb.i4)]
class Hi(object):
def __init__(self):
self.hi = 0
spec2=[("dummy", nb.i4), ("dummy1", nb.i4)]
class Dummy(object):
def __init__(self, anotherClassInstance):
self.dummy = 0
self.dummy1 = anotherClassInstance
class A:
def __init__(self, someClassInstance):
self.a1 = someClassInstance
def odeSystem(self, x, t):
return _odeSystem(x, t, self.a1)
def odeSolve(self, iValues, ts):
sol = odeint(self.odeSystem, iValues, ts)
return sol
def _odeSystem(x, t, someClassInstance):
return 1-x
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = Hi()
b = Dummy(c)
a = A(b)
print a.odeSolve(0.5, range(0, 10))
In summary: So here "class A" is my ode solver.
To compile the method "odeSystem" with numba, it must not a class method. So I made another function outside of the class "_odeSystem".
Unfortunately however, my odeSystem has to have a class instance as an argument. Hence I used @jitclass to compile the class instance argument properly.
I again encountered another problem, where this class "Dummy" also takes another type of class instance as one of its attribute. I have no idea how to set "spec" for this class. I tried the type for "dummy1" with "nb.typeof(Hi)" but it didn't work.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
You can use .class_type.instance_type
in your spec definition for holding an instance of another type. See example in the numba source tree here
spec2=[("dummy", nb.i4), ("dummy1", Hi.class_type.instance_type)]
class Dummy(object):
def __init__(self, anotherClassInstance):
self.dummy = 0
self.dummy1 = anotherClassInstance