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Reorder Umbraco to have Articles/Year/Month/Article map structure

I have a website that's been running for over a year. The overview is getting lost in the Articles doctype and I've been asked to change the file structure from Articles/Article to Articles/Year/Month/Article.

In short, the admin opens Umbraco and sees the Articles and clicks the arrow to see all the articles. It then takes a couple of minutes since the are all loaded. Instead I want a map structure that devides the articles into year and month published.

Since i'm talking about 5k articles, I can't really do this manually.

Any advice?


  • You could do 2 things:

    1. Create a simple script which moves all articles into a year/month folder structure. Should be pretty simple to make.

    2. Add a List View content type on your "Articles" template. It will give a searchable list with all 5K articles. It will prevent the loadtime in Umbraco UI. You can see how the list view works here: