Can we add the unix user credentials to SQS client?
Situation : I have a user in Unix system (without 'sudo'/root privileges). And this Unix user's permissions does not allow me to connect to
Can I pass the username and password of this Unix user to boto3 client (SQS) ?
OR, can we pass boto3 client receive message object in urllib2/3?
What I already tried :
import boto3
# Create SQS client
sqs = boto3.client('sqs',region_name='eu-west-1')
# Receive message from SQS queue
response = sqs.receive_message(
I can access any URL using urllib2 to scrape it. And I am able to pass Unix credentials while doing it.
As a root user I am able to get messages from amazonSQS using boto3 as mentioned in the above code.
No. Not possible. From your code, it looks like the credentials are stored under root user's directory which cannot be accessed by an user without sudo privileges. This is a Linux issue, nothing to do with Boto3.
Find a way to let the user access the aws credentials. Like a soft link with read permissions on the credentials file.