My need is to generate a bill in pdf format using python. That bill will change its data like no of passengers or travel details, date, time etc. But i need to generate a template like format for that. Which one i need to use? give me some example? I'm new to python, So please help me.
I tried to use reportlab module to generate pdf, But may i need to give exact x and y points of characters in this reportlab? Is there any other option? If my passenger details increase into more than one how can i automate or generate dynamic pdf?
I tried this one as sample two line:
import os
import sys
import unittest
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
canvas = canvas.Canvas("form.pdf")
def titleOfTicket():
canvas.setFont('Helvetica', 12)
canvas.drawString(30,750,'Bus Ticket')
def header():
canvas.drawString(30,723,"Bangalore to Chennai")
canvas.drawString(250,723,"thu, 19 june 2017")
canvas.drawString(450,723,"Trip ID 12345678901245")
Is there any other module or option to generate the template for a ticket easily? my sample format ticket is need to be like this
Just starting to use reportlab, so I don't know much yet. But I think the platypus submodule would make this much easier. It's described in the ReportLab User Guide. And I just found a blog post that might help, even if it's quite old: simple step by step reportlab tutorial.
And what about the commercial version? That might be still easier to use, as far as I can tell from the website.