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Android Kotlin how to check checkbox in multiple choice list view

I have a multiple choice list view. I wanting to check some of the checkboxes but not all of them. I am trying the code below but not sure where to go from there, or if that is even a start.

val listView = findViewById<ListView>(
        val values = arrayOf("One", "Two", "Three")

        val list = ArrayList<String>()
        for (i in values.indices) {
        val adapter = ArrayAdapter(this,
                android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice, list)

        val cntChoice = listView.getCount()

        for (i in 0 until cntChoice) {

            listView. //Something to check boxes 




  • To use multiple choice add listView.choiceMode = ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE and to check items you need to use listView.setItemChecked(position, true)