I have a select query from which i want to store results in QT lists after query execution. Some of my code is:
QSqlQuery querySelect;
QStringList rfid;
QList<QDateTime> datetimeIN;
QList<QDateTime> datetimeOUT;
... Some other code + querySelect prepare.....
while( querySelect.next() )
rfid.append(querySelect.value( 0 ).toString());
datetimeIN.append(querySelect.value( 1 ).toDateTime());
datetimeOUT.append(querySelect.value( 2 ).toDateTime());
qDebug() << querySelect.lastError();
I want to know is there another, more optimized faster approach to store the results in the lists, other than with the query.next while cycle because i think this is rather slow?
On the Qt side, the only optimization that I can think of is
By the way, I think you can change approach and create a single class and a list for it, rather then three separated lists.
struct Data
QString rfid;
QDateTime dtIn;
QDateTime dtOut;
Then store the results this way:
QList<Data> list;
while( querySelect.next() ) {
list.append( {querySelect.value(0).toString(),
querySelect.value(2).toDateTime()} );