I define a large typed dynamic array aArray. And now want to have a second array bArray marking a certain area in aArray without beeing a copy!
TByteArray = array of Byte;
procedure SomeCode;
aArray : TByteArray;
bArray : TByteArray;
setlength(aArray, 30);
aArray[4] := 12;
// here want to have bArray to hold 20 Bytes starting from Byte 5 in aArray
if bArray[0] = aArray[4] then begin
writeln('All OK');
This is not possible. A dynamic array contains meta data located immediately before the first element of the array. That's not compatible with you wanting a dynamic array whose first element is in the middle of another array.
You will probably need to solve your problem using a pointer to the first element of the sub array.