I've been banging my head against the wall on this homework problem for a few hours now. We have to parse a regular expression with Prolog. For the most part, the predicates I have work, but there's a few regular expression and string combos which cause them to run out of stack space in SWI-Prolog. Here's a sample with two of the Regex string combinations, one that works and one that doesn't:
star(star(char(a))), []
star(star(char(a))), [a]
The first one works and the second one runs out of stack.
Here's the predicates I'm using:
re_match(epsilon, []).
re_match(char(Letter), [Letter]).
re_match(star(_), []).
re_match(seq(Rx1, Rx2), List) :- append(List1, List2, List), re_match(Rx2, List2), re_match(Rx1, List1).
re_match(alt(Rx1, Rx2), List) :- re_match(Rx1, List); re_match(Rx2, List).
re_match(star(Rx), List) :- append(List1, List2, List), re_match(Rx, List1), re_match(star(Rx), List2).
I'm not sure what change I need to make to get it to work right, but I'm not sure what else to do.
Also, changing List :- append(List1, List2, List) to [H|T] does not evaluate to true for one of the examples.
I don't have access to SWI Prolog right now, but here is a guess:
Try changing
re_match(star(Rx), List) :- append(List1, List2, List),
re_match(Rx, List1),
re_match(star(Rx), List2).
re_match(star(Rx), List) :- append([H|List1], List2, List),
re_match(Rx, [H|List1]),
re_match(star(Rx), List2).
to force re_match
to "eat something" when it iterates on the star construct.