Is it possible to configure zsh to expand global aliases during tab completion? For example, I have the common aliases:
alias -g '...'='../..'
alias -g '....'='../../..'
but when I type, for example, cd .../some<tab>
it won't expand to cd .../something
or cd ../../something
. Consequently, I frequently won't use these handy aliases because they are incompatible with tab completion.
I'm a user of Mikael Magnusson's rationalise-dot
. From my zshrc:
# This was written entirely by Mikael Magnusson (Mikachu)
# Basically type '...' to get '../..' with successive .'s adding /..
function rationalise-dot {
local MATCH # keep the regex match from leaking to the environment
if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '(^|/| | |'$'\n''|\||;|&)\.\.$' ]]; then
zle self-insert
zle self-insert
zle self-insert
zle -N rationalise-dot
bindkey . rationalise-dot
# without this, typing a . aborts incremental history search
bindkey -M isearch . self-insert