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Signature Error in Gear S3 after OS upgrade from Tizen to Tizen

My Gear S3 was running on Tizen Yesterday, I updated it to Tizen Now, when I am trying to install app from Tizen Studio 1.2, it shows following error

"The application installation on the device has failed due to a signature error! (error code: -12)"

enter image description here

Previously it worked with a certificate I generated with my device's DUID. But, its not working now. I have created new Certificates(both public and partner level), but still its showing same error for both certificate profiles.

Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance


  • Please update Tizen Studio version to 2.0 and apply light reset to your gear device. After completing reset, connect it with gear manager to start the device and set date & time of gear device exactly to the date & time of your development PC.

    If still the problem exists, delete old certificates and create new one.