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django test a templatetag which uses the request

I'm using a custom templatetag to calculate currency values, currency is chosen from a select element. when the user choose the currency he want work with I save the chosen currency in the session and refresh the page.

a templatetag shows the value calculated for the choosen currency.

in any template

{% load currency %}
{% set_currency request 156 %}

in my_app/templatetags/

from django.conf import settings
from djmoney_rates.utils import convert_money
register = template.Library()

def set_currency(request, price):
    # currency_session could be 'USD', 'EUR' ...
    currency_session = request.session.get(settings.CURRENCY_SESSION_KEY, settings.DEFAULT_CURRENCY)
    money = convert_money(price, settings.DEFAULT_CURRENCY, currency_session)
    return {'amount': '%d' % money.amount, 'currency': money.currency}

includes/price.html is just

<span class="amount">{{amount}}</span>
<span class="currency">{{currency}}</span>

Now I'm wondering the way to test this templatetag, how to pass the request, and how make session to exists in that request.


  • I would only test the function.

    from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory
    from django.conf import settings
    from my_app.templatetags.currency import set_currency
    class SetCurrencyTestCase(TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            self.factory = RequestFactory()
        def test_set_currency(self):
            request = self.factory.get('/any/path/really/')
            request.session = {
                settings.CURRENCY_SESSION_KEY: settings.DEFAULT_CURRENCY
            response = set_currency(request, 156)
            self.assertEqual(response['amount'], 42)
            self.assertEqual(response['currency'], 'BTC')

    I'd also consider setting request.session without using settings, but that depends on your application.