I've been trying to import and run the new Android samples, specifically ArchitectureComponentsBasic example. However, the gradle files refer to a file that has not been downloaded with the project.
In the app module's gradle file:
buildscript {
apply from: '../versions.gradle' // <-- This file!
dependencies {
classpath deps.android_gradle_plugin
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
the build script is applied from ../version.gradle
And in the project's gralde file:
android {
compileSdkVersion build_versions.target_sdk
buildToolsVersion build_versions.build_tools
dependencies {
// Support libraries
implementation deps.support.app_compat
implementation deps.support.v4
implementation deps.support.design
androidTestImplementation deps.room.testing
androidTestImplementation deps.arch_core.testing
// Espresso UI Testing
androidTestImplementation deps.espresso.core
androidTestImplementation deps.espresso.contrib
androidTestImplementation deps.espresso.intents
// Resolve conflicts between main and test APK:
androidTestImplementation deps.support.annotations
androidTestImplementation deps.support.v4
androidTestImplementation deps.support.app_compat
androidTestImplementation deps.support.design
The versions are defined in a variable which is not in the file itself.
How do I get the file versions.gradle
and run the sample project? Also will that resolve the undefined variables in the project's gradle file?
You did not download the entire repository, or you may have set your project up incorrectly. the "..
" in ../version.gradle
is telling the code to go up a folder in the file system.
Here is the missing file. You may be able to just download it, and edit your gradle, or your might have to clone the whole project again.