I have problem but didn't see what make that problem. I made one laravel+passport project and try with other angular4 project to "talk" with laravel project. This is start angular4 project. But am stack. AS you can see in picture below when I click login it calls two times oauth/token to laravel project. Firstable time he have
Request method: Options
, and second one is OK and have Request method: POST
. First one didn't return nothing and the other one return valid results with token and reset token. I don't see where is that first one triggered but second one is triggered after finished first request. Code where is placed click on login button is here.
Hope that someone can tell me what is the problem.
That first request options is part of CORS. This is normal. See this page if you want more details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/OPTIONS