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In-place Python dictionary inverse

The task that I wanted to see if possible to solve is, swapping key,value pairs of a dictionary (in Python), with an in-place calculation, without additional data-structures (Only a constant number of extra variables). It seems rather impossible (in a finite world), but I'm open to hear suggestions on solving it.

I've seen a few posts about in-place dictionary inverse in python, and I've found one common thing between all of the solutions. The following dictionary won't be properly inversed:

dict = {'b':'a','a':'c','c':123}

The reason for that is, when swapping the first argument, we overwrite 'a''s actual value (The values are unique, the keys are unique, but that doesn't mean there isn't a value that is the same as an already existing key)


1) The dictionary given as an example has hashable values.

2) The key/values can be of any data-type. Not necessarily strings.

I'd love to hear ways to solve it, I've thought of one but it only works if we have infinite memory, which obviously is not true.


1) My Idea was, changing the dictionary such that I add a constant number of underscores ("_") to the beginning of each key entry. The number of underscores is determined based on the keys, if some key has X underscores, I'll add X+1 underscores (max_underscores_of_key_in_prefix+1). To work around objects in the keys, I'll make a wrapper class for that. I have tried my best explaining my intuition, but I am not sure this is practical.

2) @Mark Ransom's solution works perfectly, but if anyone has an other algorithmic solution to the problem, I'd still love to hear it out! I mark this question as solved because it is solved, but again, other solutions are more than welcome :-)


  • Obviously for this to be possible, both keys and values must be hashable. This means that none of your keys or values can be a list. We can take advantage of this to know which dictionary elements have been already processed.

    Since you can't iterate and modify a dictionary at the same time, we must start over every time we swap a key/value. That makes this very slow, an O(n^2) operation.

    def invert_dict(d):
        done = False
        while not done:
            done = True
            for key, val in d.items():
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    if len(val) > 1:
                        d[key] = [val[1]]
                        val = val[0]
                    del d[key]
                if not isinstance(val, list):
                    if val in d:
                        d[val] = [d[val], key]
                        d[val] = [key]
                    done = False
        for key, val in d.items():
            d[key] = val[0]