I would like an easier way to recode vectors. Specifically I'm wondering if there is a way to pass vectors to a function like dplyr
's recode
. I understand the basics of quasiquotation but don't quite get how to incorporate the =
vec1 <- rep(LETTERS[1:7],7)
#standard way
vec2 <- recode(vec1,
"A" = "Value1",
"B" = "Value2",
"C" = "Value3",
"D" = "Value4",
"E" = "Value5",
"F" = "Value6",
"G" = "Value7"
vec3 <- recode(vec1,
"A" = "Value1",
"B" = "Value1",
"C" = "Value2",
"D" = "Value2",
.default = "Value other"
I'd like to do the following
vec3 <- some.function(vec1,
c("A", "B") = "Value1",
c("C", "D") = "Value2",
.default = "Value other"
I have a solution but can't figure out how to incorporate a function with ...
and =
setNames(rep("Value1",length(val1)), val1),
setNames(rep("Value2",length(val2)), val2)))
I also have figured out a way to pass two vectors and rename all the variables.
recode.by.vectors <- function(x, current.names, new.names){
do.call(dplyr::recode, c(list(x), setNames(new.names, current.names)))
Lastly, I'm aware of a base solution.
vec3 <- vec1
val1 <- c("A", "B")
val2 <- c("C", "D")
vec3[vec1 %in% val1] <- "Value1"
vec3[vec1 %in% val2] <- "Value2"
vec3[!vec1 %in% c(val1,val1)] <- "Value other"
but am unaware to how in incorporate the assignment carried out here into a function.
We can use case_when
from the dplyr
vec1 <- rep(LETTERS[1:7],7)
vec2 <- case_when(
vec1 %in% c("A", "B") ~ "Value1",
vec1 %in% c("C", "D") ~ "Value2",
TRUE ~ "Value other"
# [1] "Value1" "Value1" "Value2" "Value2" "Value other" "Value other"