Im using the BottomNavigationViewEx library to display a Bottom Menu Bar in my android app, the library works well and fixes many of the shortcomings of the standard BottomNavigationView.
The problem comes when as per requirements I need to show 7 options in the menu, with 4 options being the direct access to their respective functionality and a "More" option, that should show a submenu with 3 more options (similar to a toolbar with items with property showAsAction="never"
Since the library does not admit more than 5 items and does not support submenus either I've been trying to implement a solution to no avail. Is there a way to implement this or any other bottom menu library that I could use that implements submenus (or lets me extend it to create a submenu)?
Even though Adil's answer could have worked, I didn't go for it since it could create other problems. So I ended up making a Popup Menu anchored to the last menu item in the BottomNavigationView