I'm working in SAS EGRC 6.1 module and I've a data set as below in work library
BranchCode BranchName RegionCode SagiaLicNo IssuingDate ExpiryDate
20 Abc Central 1 1/1/2000 1/1/2001
20 Abc Central 2 1/1/2000 1/1/2001
10 def East 3 1/1/2000 1/1/2001
BranchManager IsIssuance IssuanceFees IsRenewal RenewalFees Total
name Yes 100 No 0 100
name Yes 100 Yes 100 200
name Yes 200 Yes 100 300
I want to print this data set in my SASStoredProcess report with group by of BranchName or by BranchName. I wrote this code but but its only printing the data lines of my data set without any total or grandtotal row of html table.
In short it's not executing any code after the end statement of do loop. Please help me to figure out that where I did wrong in my coding.
data _null_;
file _webout;
put '<html><body><table>';
do until(last.region);
set SAGIA_Detail nobs=nobs end=eof;
by BranchCode RegionCode BranchName;
if first.BranchCode then put
'<tr><th colspan="9"><span><b><u>BranchCode</u></b>: ' BranchCode '</span><span><b><u>BranchName</u></b>: ' BranchName '</span><span><b><u>RegionCode</u></b>: ' RegionCode '</sapn></th></tr>
<tr class=Head>
<th>Sagia LicenseNo</th>
<th>Issue Date</th>
<th>Expiry Date</th>
<th>Manager Name</th>
<th>Is Issuance</th>
<th>Issuance Fees</th>
<th>Is Renewal</th>
<th>Renewal Fees</th>
put '<tr>
<td>';put SagiaLicNo; put '</td>
<td>';put IssuingDate date10.; put '</td>
<td>';put ExpiryDate date10.; put '</td>
<td>';put BranchManager; put '</td>
<td>';put IsIssuance; put '</td>
<td>';put IssuanceFees comma12.2; put '</td>
<td>';put IsRenewal; put '</td>
<td>';put RenewalFees comma12.2; put '</td>
<td>';put Total comma12.2; put '</td>
Total_IssuanceFees = sum(Total_IssuanceFees,IssuanceFees);
Total_RenewalFees = sum(Total_RenewalFees,RenewalFees);
Total_TotalFees = sum(Total_TotalFees,Total);
put '<tr>
put '<tr class=Grand>
<td>' Total_IssuanceFees '</td>
<td>' Total_RenewalFees '</td>
<td>' Total_TotalFees '</td>
if eof then put
'<tr class=Grand>
<td colspan="6">GrandTotal</td>'
'<td>' Issuancegrand '</td>'
'<td>' Renewalgrand '</td>'
'<td>' Totalgrand '</td></tr>'
First, you are using a BY
clause, make sure your data is sorted.
proc sort data=SAGIA_Detail;
by BranchCode RegionCode BranchName;
Second, your sample data has the variable BranchRegion
but your code uses RegionCode
. Are these the same? Make sure your code is using a variable that actually exists.
Further, your data step references last.region
. There is no region
Fixing those should get you closer to what you are looking for.