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How to read the new line between multi-valued enumerate that has been turned into a string using ""

I have an enumerate-type multi-valued attribute in the module in which I am working.

The appearance is as follows:

// as it appears in the attribute column
// below is what is written in my script to turn the contents this attribute 
// into a string (for this particular object)
string ovp = o."AttribName" // I have assigned it to a string in this manner

If I print the string, it prints out in a column format, like it appears in the attribute column. How has the new line been defined in this string?

I would like to use the new line definition to put each of the enumerate values into a string array (string arr[size], for clarity as I may not be using the right terms).

I am sure there is a way, but I am only two weeks into using DXL, and am at a loss on how to do this, or if there would be another way to do it that might be easier.
I have searched as much as I am able with the keywords that I know.

Thanks in advance for any help or direction. I will keep trying in the mean-time and see what I come up with. I assume that if I find an answer, I can update this question with it.


  • So there is probably a better way to do this, by querying the attribute definition and then using the 'isMember' function- but this way will return a string array, which you requested.

    Object o = current
    string s = o."Test Enum" ""
    int x = 0
    int y = 0
    int size = 0
    if ( s != "" ) {
    for ( x = 0 ; x < length ( s ) ; x++ ) {
        if ( s [ x ] == '\n' ) {
    string arr[size]
    size = 0
    for ( x = 0 ; x < length ( s ) ; x++ ) {
        if ( s [ x ] == '\n' ) {
            arr[ size ] = s [ y : x - 1 ]
            y = x + 1
    arr[ size ] = s [ y : ]

    Of note- this first checks the size of the array, then defines it. Multiple selected attributes have a '\n' as a delimiter, but the last entry won't have that.