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Aggregate class extending base class - Violation of LSP?

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) on Wikipedia

Say I have a Alien class with an numFingers attribute*. Occasionally, I need to pull the sum of the numFingers from the database, grouped by other field values. In these cases, I have no need to manipulate each record individually, but I do need access to a lot of their functionality -- be able to get attributes, perform some basic logic on them, etc. This may include data summed from thousands of records, so it makes little sense to instantiate thousands of Alien objects when the database query can do the work of summing for me.

I would like to make an extension class called AlienAggregate, whose attributes are set from the grouped & summed query. This class would allow me to call any of Alien's methods. The only difference between functionality of the two classes, is GetID(). The aggregate class has no ID, since its data has been derived from any number of records. Because of this, calling GetID() on AlienAggregate throws an exception.

Is this a violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle? Is there a better way to handle a call to GetID()? Is there a better way to design the relationship between the Alien and AlienAggregate classes?

*Actual names may have been changed just because I can.


  • I don't think you're violating LSP since the principle only applies when Alien is a subtype of AlienAggregate (or the other way around). There is no is a relationship here (more of an aggregation of Alien's as you've appropriately named them).

    Instead, it sounds like both Alien, and AlienAggregate probably implement a LooksAlien Interface. The Alien class just has an additional method, GetID().

    ...just beware of the nefarious BeginInvasion method on AlienAggregate.