I wrote a little thingy with Processing that I now would like to make a Mac OS X Screen Saver of. However, diving in to OpenGL was not as easy as I thought it would be.
Basically I want to loop through all pixels on screen and based on that pixels color set another pixels color.
The Processing code looks like this:
void setup(){
size(500,500, P2D);
void draw(){
for(int x = 0; x<width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y<height; y++){
float xRand2 = x+random(2);
float yRand2 = y+random(2);
int xRand = int(xRand2);
int yRand = int(yRand2);
if(get(x,y) == -16777216){
set(x+xRand, y+yRand, #FFFFFF);
else if(get(x,y) == -1){
set(x+xRand, y+yRand, #000000);
It's not very pretty and nor is it very effective. However, I'd like to find out how to do something similiar with OpenGL. I don't even know where to start.
The basic idea of OpenGL is that you never set the values of individual pixels manually, because that's often too slow. Instead you render triangles and do all kinds of tricks with them, like textures, blending, etc.
In order to freely program what each individual pixel does in OpenGL, you need to use a technique called shaders. And that's not very easy if you haven't done anything similar before. The idea of shaders is that GPU executes them instead of CPU, which results in very good performance and takes the load off from the CPU. But in your case it is probably a better idea to do it with CPU and not with shaders and OpenGL, as that approach is much easier to start with.
I recommend you use a library like SDL (or possibly glfw), which lets you do things with pixels without hardware acceleration. You can still do it with OpenGL too, though. By using the function glDrawPixels. That function draws raw pixel data to the screen. But it's probably not very fast.
So start by reading some tutorials about SDL, for example.
Edit: If you want to use shaders, the difficulty with them (among other things) is that you can't specify coordinates to which set pixel values. And you can't get pixel values directly from the screen either. One way to do it with shaders would be the following: