I'm using the NLTK to find word in a text. I need to save result of concordance function into a list. The question is already asked here but i cannot see the changes. I try to find the type of returnde value of the function by :
the result was :
<class 'NoneType'>
By inspecting the source of ConcordanceIndex
, we can see that results are printed to stdout. If redirecting stdout to a file is not an option, you have to reimplement the ConcordanceIndex.print_concordance
such that it returns the results rather than printing it to stdout.
def concordance(ci, word, width=75, lines=25):
Rewrite of nltk.text.ConcordanceIndex.print_concordance that returns results
instead of printing them.
half_width = (width - len(word) - 2) // 2
context = width // 4 # approx number of words of context
results = []
offsets = ci.offsets(word)
if offsets:
lines = min(lines, len(offsets))
for i in offsets:
if lines <= 0:
left = (' ' * half_width +
' '.join(ci._tokens[i-context:i]))
right = ' '.join(ci._tokens[i+1:i+context])
left = left[-half_width:]
right = right[:half_width]
results.append('%s %s %s' % (left, ci._tokens[i], right))
lines -= 1
return results
from nltk.book import text1
from nltk.text import ConcordanceIndex
ci = ConcordanceIndex(text1.tokens)
results = concordance(ci, 'circumstances')
<class 'list'>