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PlasticSCM - Icon 'unknown' not present in theme

I'm using CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708, Gnome 3.22.2 and I've installed PlasticSCM

I created a new repository and everything worked fine until I use the Workspace explorer or the Pending changes tabs (only when changes exists). Plastic shows several error pop-ups with the message:

Icon 'unknown' not present in theme

I've checked the logs in ${HOME}/.plastic4/gtkplastic.log.txt:

2017-12-04 16:43:15,252 (null) user at (null) ERROR ExceptionHandler - [HandleUnhandledGLibException] Unexpected error: Icon 'unknown' not present in theme.

I tried to change the icon theme from Adawait to Gnome using the Gnome Tweak Tool with no success.

Is there anything that I should configure to fix this problem?

Thank you.


  • I'm using pretty much the same setup and works for me. I installed from the latest iso at

    Centos 7.4.1708:

    > cat /etc/*elease
    CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

    gnome 3.22.2:

    > cat /usr/share/gnome/gnome-version.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Plastic version (Latest available as I write)

    cm version

    This is what I have in the theme directory:

    > ls -l -R /opt/plasticscm5/theme/*

    Can you try changing your OS icon set?