Search code examples

C# NEST Elasticsearch custom filter structure (tokenize)

I am trying to rewrite this specific query to C# NEST, but Im stuck on defining filters... Im confused...


I expect to have right client.CreateIndex(...) command with right index settings. All I have now is this:

client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c
    .Mappings(m => m
        .Map<T>(mp => mp.AutoMap())));

I cannot find any informations how to do this. I will be gratefull for any kind of help.


client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c
                .Settings(s => s
                    .Analysis(a => a
                        .TokenFilters(t => t
                                new LemmagenTokenFilter { Lexicon = "sk" })
                            .Synonym("synonym_filter", ts => ts
                            .Stop("stopwords_sk", tst => tst
                         .Analyzers(aa => aa
                            .Custom("slovencina_synonym", acs => acs
                            .Filters("stopwords_SK", "lemmagen_filter_sk", "lowercase", "stopwords_SK", "synonym_filter", "asciifolding")
                            .Custom("slovencina", acs => acs
                            .Filters("stopwords_SK", "lemmagen_filter_sk", "lowercase", "stopwords_SK", "asciifolding")
                .Mappings(m => m
                    .Map<DealItem>(mp => mp.AutoMap()
                    .Properties(p => p
                        .Text(t => t
                            .Name(n => n.title_dealitem)
                            .Name(n => n.coupon_text1)
                            .Name(n => n.coupon_text2)

This is what i have now, but im getting ERROR after trying to use one

POST dealitems/_analyze
  "analyzer": "slovencina",
  "text":     "Janko kúpil nové topánky"


  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "remote_transport_exception",
        "reason": "[myNode][][indices:admin/analyze[s]]"
    "type": "illegal_argument_exception",
    "reason": "failed to find analyzer [slovencina]"
  "status": 400

and GET _settings doesn't show any analyzers

RESULT: Problem was in missing files...wrong paths


  • Indeed, there is no lemmagen token filter available out of the box in NEST. Hopefully, you can easily create your own:

    public class LemmagenTokenFilter : ITokenFilter
        public string Version { get; set; }
        public string Type => "lemmagen";
        public string Lexicon { get; set; }
    var response = elasticClient.CreateIndex(_defaultIndex,
        d => d.Settings(s => s
            .Analysis(a => a
                .TokenFilters(t => t.UserDefined("lemmagen_filter_sk",
                    new LemmagenTokenFilter
                        Lexicon = "sk"

    Hope that helps.