Search code examples

Remove page count from WooCommerce search page title

When navigating to the next page of search results in Woocommerce, the title shows as

Search results: “example” – Page 2

I would like to know how I can customise this so the page number is not shown. Ideally, it would be nice to be displayed as

Search results for Example

I have looked in the files and this title seems to be called using

<?php woocommerce_page_title(); ?>

So there's not much there for me to work on.

There are lots of posts on removing the title all together, nothing on how to customise it.


  • You can use woocommerce_page_title hook to alter the title according to your need.

    Here is a working code:

    // define the woocommerce_page_title callback 
    function filter_woocommerce_page_title($page_title)
        if (is_search())
            $page_title = 'Search results for ' . ucfirst(get_search_query());
        return $page_title;
    // add the filter 
    add_filter('woocommerce_page_title', 'filter_woocommerce_page_title', 10, 1);

    Code goes in functions.php file of your active child theme (or theme). Or also in any plugin php files.

    Hope this helps!