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Spring Boot - Hibernate - Import Date from SQL Query

I am currently building a REST API with Spring Data (and Boot). I have a sql Dumb from an h2database, which is accessed by hibernate.

My Application.yaml:

  profiles: "dev"
      data: classpath:/data_api.sql
        physical-strategy: org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
      ddl-auto: create-drop

The sql query lools like this:

Insert into TABLE (name, number, date) values ("James", 123, to_date('28-JUL-17','DD-MON-RR')) looks like:

public class Information {

    String name;

    Integer number;

    String date;

When I try to run the API I got the following exception: enter image description here

Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Function "TO_DATE": Invalid date format: " Tried to parse one of '[Jul, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Mai, Nov, Jan, Dez, Okt, Mär, Sep]' but failed (may be an internal error?). Details: TO_DATE('16-MAR-17', 'DD-MON-RR') ^ , ^ <-- Parsing failed at this point"; SQL statement

My guess is that hibernate takes some locale where the months are configured in german - does anybody know how to change that? Another way would be to tell hibernate --> ignore the sql function to_date() and just read the field as string. I tried something like writing @org.hibernate.annotations.Type(type =“text“) over the @column annotation - but it doesn't work :(

EDIT: When changing the Monthname in the import queries to german --> like OCT --> OKT ; DEC --> DEZ.. it works. So it seems that Hibernate is using my local language settings for mapping. Is there a way to change this to english?


  • If anybody else comes to this problem - I figuered it out. Hibernate reads the Locate settings. So with a simple code line in the Main Application this is done:

    Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en", "US"));