I am trying to view the JSON request which is sent from POSTMAN through a POST request to add a security group info to a table, and my request looks like one below
POST /securitygroup HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:9292
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: c4bef1db-d544-c923-3b0b-e7004e2dd093
"secgrp_id": 124,
"secgrp_nm": "SECURITY ADMIN",
"secgrp_profile_nme": "ADMIN"
Roda code looks like below
# cat config.ru
require "roda"
require "sequel"
require "oci8"
require "json"
DB = Sequel.oracle(host: 'xyz.dev.com', port: '1525', database: 'devbox1', user: 'abc', password: 'pass')
class App < Roda
plugin :json, classes: [Array, Hash, Sequel::Model, Sequel::Dataset]
route do |r|
# secgroup = DB[:security_groups]
# secgroup.insert(r.params["securitygroup"])
# secgroup
# above insert threw the following error
# OCIError: ORA-00947: not enough values,
# because SQL generated as below
# so I am trying to access the request object 'r', I feel that I am doing
# something which is not correct
{"response": r.params.["securitygroup"]["secgrp_id"]}
# throws undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Can you please take a look at the request and point me, where am I going wrong, Request format not correct or is there a different way to handle the request on the ruby code.
I need help to parse the request that comes in as JSON similar to code presented in https://twin.github.io/introduction-to-roda/
r.post "albums" do
album = Album.create(r.params["album"])
r.redirect album_path(album) # /albums/1
You need just a little tweak: Add to the App the plugin :json_parser
class App < Roda
# use this plugin to convert response to json
plugin :json
# use this plugin to convert request from json
plugin :json_parser
See in the Roda documentation "Plugins that Ship with Roda" in the group "others" there is the json_parser