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Explicit constructors and nested initializer lists

The following code successfully compiles with most modern C++11 compatible compilers (GCC >= 5.x, Clang, ICC, MSVC).

#include <string>

struct A
        explicit A(const char *) {}
        A(std::string) {}

struct B
        B(A) {}
        B(B &) = delete;

int main( void )
        B b1({{{"test"}}});

But why does it compile in the first place, and how are the listed compilers interpreting that code?

Why is MSVC able to compile this without B(B &) = delete;, but the other 3 compilers all need it?

And why does it fail in all compilers except MSVC when I delete a different signature of the copy constructor, e.g. B(const B &) = delete;?

Are the compilers even all choosing the same constructors?

Why does Clang emit the following warning?

17 : <source>:17:16: warning: braces around scalar initializer [-Wbraced-scalar-init]
        B b1({{{"test"}}});


  • Instead of explaining the behavior of compilers, I'll try to explain what the standard says.

    Primary Example

    To direct-initialize b1 from {{{"test"}}}, overload resolution applies to choose the best constructor of B. Because there is no implicit conversion from {{{"test"}}} to B& (list initializer is not a lvalue), the constructor B(B&) is not viable. We then focus on the constructor B(A), and check whether it is viable.

    To determine the implicit conversion sequence from {{{"test"}}} to A (I will use the notation {{{"test"}}} -> A for simplicity), overload resolution applies to choose the best constructor of A, so we need to compare {{"test"}} -> const char* and {{"test"}} -> std::string (note the outermost layer of braces is elided) according to [over.match.list]/1:

    When objects of non-aggregate class type T are list-initialized such that [dcl.init.list] specifies that overload resolution is performed according to the rules in this subclause, overload resolution selects the constructor in two phases:

    • Initially, the candidate functions are the initializer-list constructors ([dcl.init.list]) of the class T...

    • If no viable initializer-list constructor is found, overload resolution is performed again, where the candidate functions are all the constructors of the class T and the argument list consists of the elements of the initializer list.

    ... In copy-list-initialization, if an explicit constructor is chosen, the initialization is ill-formed.

    Note all constructors are considered here regardless of the specifier explicit.

    {{"test"}} -> const char* does not exist according to [over.ics.list]/10 and [over.ics.list]/11:

    Otherwise, if the parameter type is not a class:

    • if the initializer list has one element that is not itself an initializer list...

    • if the initializer list has no elements...

    In all cases other than those enumerated above, no conversion is possible.

    To determine {{"test"}} -> std::string, the same process is taken, and overload resolution chooses the constructor of std::string that takes a parameter of type const char*.

    As a result, {{{"test"}}} -> A is done by choosing the constructor A(std::string).


    What if explicit is removed?

    The process does not change. GCC will choose the constructor A(const char*) while Clang will choose the constructor A(std::string). I think it is a bug for GCC.

    What if there are only two layers of braces in the initializer of b1?

    Note {{"test"}} -> const char* does not exist but {"test"} -> const char* exists. So if there are only two layers of braces in the initializer of b1, the constructor A(const char*) is chosen because {"test"} -> const char* is better than {"test"} -> std::string. As a result, an explicit constructor is chosen in copy-list-initialization (initialization of the parameter A in the constructor B(A) from {"test"}), then the program is ill-formed.

    What if the constructor B(const B&) is declared?

    Note this also happens if the declaration of B(B&) is removed. This time we need to compare {{{"test"}}} -> A and {{{"test"}}} -> const B&, or {{{"test"}}} -> const B equivalently.

    To determine {{{"test"}}} -> const B, the process described above is taken. We need to compare {{"test"}} -> A and {{"test"}} -> const B&. Note {{"test"}} -> const B& does not exist according to []/4:

    However, if the target is

    — the first parameter of a constructor or

    — the implicit object parameter of a user-defined conversion function

    and the constructor or user-defined conversion function is a candidate by

    — [over.match.ctor], when the argument is the temporary in the second step of a class copy-initialization,

    — [over.match.copy], [over.match.conv], or [over.match.ref] (in all cases), or

    the second phase of [over.match.list] when the initializer list has exactly one element that is itself an initializer list, and the target is the first parameter of a constructor of class X, and the conversion is to X or reference to cv X,

    user-defined conversion sequences are not considered.

    To determine {{"test"}} -> A, the process described above is taken again. This is almost the same as the case we talked in the previous subsection. As a result, the constructor A(const char*) is chosen. Note the constructor is chosen here to determine {{{"test"}}} -> const B, and does not apply actually. This is permitted though the constructor is explicit.

    As a result, {{{"test"}}} -> const B is done by choosing the constructor B(A), then the constructor A(const char*). Now both {{{"test"}}} -> A and {{{"test"}}} -> const B are user-defined conversion sequences and neither is better than the other, so the initialization of b1 is ambiguous.

    What if the parentheses is replaced by braces?

    According to []/4, which is block-quoted in the previous subsection, the user defined conversion {{{"test"}}} -> const B& is not considered. So the result is the same as the primary example even if the constructor B(const B&) is declared.