The Bash command I used:
$ ssh ps -aux|grep -v \"grep\"|grep "/srv/adih/server/app.js"|awk '{print $2}'
$ ssh echo $(ps -aux|grep -v \"grep\"|grep "/srv/adih/server/app.js"|awk '{print $2}')
The first result is the correct one and the second one will change echo time I execute it. But I don't know why they are different.
What am I doing?
My workstation has very limited resources, so I use a remote machine to run my Node.js application. I run it using ssh "cd /application && grunt serve"
in debug mode. When I command Ctrl + C, the grunt task is stopped, but the application is is still running in debug mode. I just want to kill it, and I need to get the PID first.
The command substitution is executed by your local shell before ssh
If your local system's name is here
and the remote is there
ssh there uname -n
will print there
ssh there echo $(uname -n) # should have proper quoting, too
will run uname -n
locally and then send the expanded command line echo here
to there
to be executed.
As an additional aside, echo $(command)
is a useless use of echo
unless you specifically require the shell to perform wildcard expansion and whitespace tokenization on the output of command
before printing it.
Also, grep x | awk { y }
is a useless use of grep
; it can and probably should be refactored to awk '/x/ { y }'
-- but of course, here you are reinventing pidof
so better just use that.
ssh pidof /srv/adih/server/app.js
If you want to capture the printed PID locally, the syntax for that is
pid=$(ssh pidof /srv/adih/server/app.js)
Of course, if you only need to kill it, that's
ssh pkill /srv/adih/server/app.js