I managed to generate my Enclave (https://github.com/pc-magas/myFirstEnclave) but as far as I know I need to generate an rsa key in order to sign it. So I run:
openssl genrsa -out $(KEY_FILE) 2048
And then I run the following command to sign it:
sgx_sign -key (^key_generated)above^ -enclave enclave.o -out enclave.so -config Enclave.config.xml
But I get the following error:
Key file format is not correct.
I tried to generate the key via ssh_keygen
but still the same error.
What kind of format is needed in order to sign an enclave?
I also tried to generate the key with:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ~/.sgx/MyEnclave.pem
Still same result
Intel® Software Guard Extensions Developer Reference specifies that SGX enclave signature key file should follow the PEM format which contains an unencrypted RSA 3072-bit key, the public exponent must be 3.
See page 20 (on version 2.0 November 2017) - OpenSSL Examples, for the following command line to generate the private key:
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem -3 3072