I'm using the following PowerShell script to install dotnetcore-windowshosting version 1.1.1 via an Octopus Deploy step.
ChocolateyPackageId is equal to "dotnetcore-windowshosting" and $ChocolateyPackageVersion is equal to "1.1.1".
However, the target machine has a new version of DotNetCore.1.0.4_1.1.1-WindowsHosting.exe installed than the version being installed by the Chocolatey package. As a result, an error is raised alerting me that the target machine already has a newer version installed.
How can I install the package using cinst
like in the script, however, ignore and don't raise an error if the package being installed (or a newer version) is already installed?
$chocolateyBin = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ChocolateyInstall", "Machine") + "\bin"
if(-not (Test-Path $chocolateyBin)) {
Write-Output "Environment variable 'ChocolateyInstall' was not found in the system variables. Attempting to find it in the user variables..."
$chocolateyBin = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ChocolateyInstall", "User") + "\bin"
$cinst = "$chocolateyBin\cinst.exe"
$choco = "$chocolateyBin\choco.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path $cinst) -or -not (Test-Path $choco)) {
throw "Chocolatey was not found at $chocolateyBin."
if (-not $ChocolateyPackageId) {
throw "Please specify the ID of an application package to install."
$chocoVersion = & $choco --version
Write-Output "Running Chocolatey version $chocoVersion"
$chocoArgs = @()
if([System.Version]::Parse($chocoVersion) -ge
[System.Version]::Parse("")) {
Write-Output "Adding --confirm to arguments passed to Chocolatey"
$chocoArgs += @("-y", "")
if (-not $ChocolateyPackageVersion) {
Write-Output "Installing package $ChocolateyPackageId from the Chocolatey package repository..."
& $cinst $ChocolateyPackageId $($chocoArgs)
else {
Write-Output "Installing package $ChocolateyPackageId version $ChocolateyPackageVersion from the Chocolatey package repository..." & $cinst $ChocolateyPackageId -Version $ChocolateyPackageVersion $($chocoArgs)
Thanks for all the suggestions. Below seems to work for me
$chocolateyBin = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ChocolateyInstall", "Machine") + "\bin"
if(-not (Test-Path $chocolateyBin)) {
Write-Output "Environment variable 'ChocolateyInstall' was not found in the system variables. Attempting to find it in the user variables..."
$chocolateyBin = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ChocolateyInstall", "User") + "\bin"
$cinst = "$chocolateyBin\cinst.exe"
$choco = "$chocolateyBin\choco.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path $cinst) -or -not (Test-Path $choco)) {
throw "Chocolatey was not found at $chocolateyBin."
if (-not $ChocolateyPackageId) {
throw "Please specify the ID of an application package to install."
$chocoVersion = & $choco --version
Write-Output "Running Chocolatey version $chocoVersion"
$chocoArgs = @()
if([System.Version]::Parse($chocoVersion) -ge [System.Version]::Parse("")) {
Write-Output "Adding --confirm to arguments passed to Chocolatey"
$chocoArgs += @("-y", "")
if (-not $ChocolateyPackageVersion) {
Write-Output "Installing package $ChocolateyPackageId from the Chocolatey package repository..."
& $cinst $ChocolateyPackageId $($chocoArgs)
} else {
Write-Output "Installing package $ChocolateyPackageId version $ChocolateyPackageVersion from the Chocolatey package repository..."
& $cinst $ChocolateyPackageId -Version $ChocolateyPackageVersion $($chocoArgs) --force
$codes = $IgnoreExitCodes -split ','
if ($codes -Contains $lastExitCode)
exit 0