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My VBA Excel 2013 Code isn't compiling

When I run this code:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim range1 As Integer
Dim range2 As Integer
range1 = 53
range2 = 102

For i = range1 To range2
    For j = (range1 - 50) To (range2 - 50)

        If Cells(2, i) = Cells(2, j) Then
            If Cells(7, i) > Cells(7, j) Then
            Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went up; Green
            ElseIf Cells(7, i) = Cells(7, j) Then
            Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'No change; Grey
            Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went down; Red
        End If

    Next j
    If Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Then 'Hasn't Changed; No Fill
    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'New Song; Blue
    End If

Next i
End Sub

An error appears saying:
Compile error: Next without For
However there definitely is a For for each Next.
So where did I go wrong?
Note: The '37's are just filler numbers, I know it appears as light blue.


  • Indenting your code in a consistent manner gives the following:

    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim range1 As Integer
        Dim range2 As Integer
        range1 = 53
        range2 = 102
        For i = range1 To range2
            For j = (range1 - 50) To (range2 - 50)
                If Cells(2, i) = Cells(2, j) Then
                    If Cells(7, i) > Cells(7, j) Then
                        Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went up; Green
                    ElseIf Cells(7, i) = Cells(7, j) Then
                        Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'No change; Grey
                        Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went down; Red
                    End If
                    Next j ' <--- This Next has no For associated with it
                    If Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Then 'Hasn't Changed; No Fill
                        Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'New Song; Blue
                    End If
                Next i
            End Sub

    You can very quickly tell by the indentation levels that the Next j has no For statement associated with it within the current If block. This is why you get your error.

    I suspect that you intended to have an End If just before that Next j and therefore your code would look like:

    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim range1 As Integer
        Dim range2 As Integer
        range1 = 53
        range2 = 102
        For i = range1 To range2
            For j = (range1 - 50) To (range2 - 50)
                If Cells(2, i) = Cells(2, j) Then
                    If Cells(7, i) > Cells(7, j) Then
                        Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went up; Green
                    ElseIf Cells(7, i) = Cells(7, j) Then
                        Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'No change; Grey
                        Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went down; Red
                    End If
                End If    
            Next j
            If Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Then 'Hasn't Changed; No Fill
                Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'New Song; Blue
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub