I found when using bootstrap tab with pills, the:
<a class="nav-link" id="tabItem" data-toggle="pill" href="#tabItem"> example </a>
breaks the angular application causing it to navigate back to the page loading the first tab and selecting the first default pill.
I tried adding:
...adding this fixes navigation only for the first four clicks, and then it breaks again. When I inspect the page I see that the 'active' class never gets cleared with this is set.
I also tried adding:
"dependencies": {
"angular1-ui-bootstrap4": "2.4.22"
via npm, but the amount of work needed to create a layout and modify some of the pre-designed behavior wasn't worth my time.
It was a long path to find a minimal-code, tight solution, but I am posting this question to help others.
I fixed this behavior by adding a custom directive in angular that removes the old active class and shows the tab clicked on:
// when bootstrap adds the # to pills it ruins everything!!
// fix that with this:
app.directive('tabFix', function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
$(element).click(function (event) {
then to call the directive, add tab-fix onto the anchor element:
<a class="nav-link" id="tabItem" data-toggle="pill" href="#tabItem" tab-fix> example </a>
It fixes everything!