I had to deliver some code(a folder and some files inside) from an activity A from dev stream to int stream in ucm clearcase. before delivering I renamed the folder using another activity B and changed some files inside. Now, While delivering from dev to int, I cannot find A and B as undelivered work.
Please advise how to resolve. let me know if any other information is required.
The usual workaround would be to a non-UCM merge by activity, instead of an UCM deliver (which is not listing the expected activities), using cleartool findmerge
See "How to merge changes from a specific UCM activity from one ClearCase stream to another"
cd /path/to/myView/myFolder
ct findmerge activity:B@\pvob -fcsets -c "deliver B" -merge -gmerge
See also "how to merge new folder from a sub branch to the main branch in clearcase?".