I'm using package RISmed in R in order to obtain information from PubMed. The 'Mesh' package function allows me to obtain the MeSH terms of each citation. Nevertheless it is a List, containing a Data Frame. I want to list each MeSH term besides its corresponding citation id (PMID). For example, I can construct a table containing both values:
table = cbind(ArticleId(MedlineObject),Mesh(MedlineObject))
The first column is a char object but the second one is a list, containing a dataframe. If the value inside 1st column were "29145282" and the content of 2dnd column were "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic", "Combined Modality Therapy" and "Diagnosis, Differential", I would want to obtain:
"29145282","Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic"
"29145282","Combined Modality Therapy"
"29145282","Diagnosis, Differential"
How could I accomplish this?
I would like to use myeloma
as an example of medline object
since I don't have your data. myeloma
is a medline data within RISmed
First add the id to all dataframes in your list by mapply
and cbind
MedList = mapply(cbind, "ID"=ArticleId(myeloma),Mesh(myeloma),SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
And then merge all list into one dataframe by do.call
and rbind
MedFrame = do.call("rbind",MedList)
You just need to change 'myeloma' in the code to your own MedlineObject