I am going to gather and analyze the DNS registration information of a large number of domain names. My domain names are such as bbc.com
, bbc.com.co
, bbc.com.a
and bbc.com.aa
. As you can see, I have typo/squatting domain names of the official web sites such as bbc.com. I am using python whois library and send DNS whois query to these domain names, but for so many of them, I got below message:
Here is my code for sending whois query :
typo_dns_info = whois.whois(typo)
if typo_dns_info:
typo_info[typo] = typo_dns_info
and I got this error for many of the domain names:
Socket Error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
I searched and I think maybe I need to sleep my program to send DNS query after 1 second. But it did not help me at all. I do not know what is the best way to get the whois information of a url
I use regular DNS queries to tell if a domain exists. Whois servers typically aren't set up for high volume queries and some limit the rate of queries on a per-IP basis. Regular DNS servers are designed for high lookup rates and will not throw the same errors.
Here's a bit of code to discover registered domains via dnspython
dns.resolver.query(typo, 'A')
print("%s exists" % typo)
x = whois.whois(typo)
print("%s exists" % typo)
print("%s doesn't exist" % typo)