I am trying to pass data/events up through a chain of nested components using EventEmitters. However I think the way I solved one problem may be preventing this from happening.
I am creating an embedded view on one of the components so it doesn't mess up the table structure. So for that component, here is some relevant code:
@ContentChild(DataTableAddRecordComponent) adder: DataTableAddRecordComponent;
@ViewChild('dtAdder', { read: ViewContainerRef }) adderContainer: ViewContainerRef;
ngAfterContentInit(): void {
if (this.adder && this.adderContainer) {
and here is some HTML for the same component. Notice how the thing I'm trying to subscribe to an event on is ng-container instead of the actual component. Again this is so I don't get <data-table-adder>
tags screwing up my table. But how can I catch events from that component when it's not in my template (or is there something else I'm missing)?
<tr><td>Some Junk</td></tr>
<ng-container #dtAdder (added)="onAdd($event)"></ng-container>
This turned out to be easy... you have the reference to the component and you can subscribe to the emitted event programmatically.
if (this.adder && this.adderContainer) {
this.adder.added.subscribe(data =>