I am working with my client so I cloned git repo and built application which use AWS KMS to generate data key.
All is works well on live server but when I got failed on my local environment.
Here is code snippet and result of error.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const kms = new AWS.KMS({ apiVersion: '2014-11-01' });
KeySpec: 'AES_256',
.catch(err => {
console.error('generateDataKey error', err.message, err.stack);
throw err;
.then(data => {
Is there a way to fix this error?
"GenerateDataKey error Signature expired...."
When you send a request signed using the AWS SigV4 protocol (to KMS or any other AWS service), the requests include a timestamp from when the signature was generated. The tolerance is 5 minutes. This mechanism is in place to make replay attacks harder (they essentially have a smaller window to be peformed). More information here.
Since the same request is working fine on your server, but failing locally, I think the clock on your local workspace is off by more than five minutes.