do I have to compile with compass in order to use it framework ? is it possible to use compass framework and compile sass with an other tool like gulp ?
You can use gulp-compass to compile compass.
Main thing about compass vs sass is being able to use @include x(y);
to get browser prefixes (at least from my experience). You could also use gulp-autoprefixer and gulp-sass to accomplish something similar.
I use .scss files (because I like semi-colons) but a sass builder with my gulp file:
gulp.task('sass', function() {
return gulp.src(settings.sass.input)
.pipe(sass(settings.sass.options).on('error', errorLog))
.pipe(autoprefixer(settings.sass.autoprefixer).on('error', errorLog))
.pipe(sourcemaps.write(settings.maps, {
sourceMappingURL: file => {
return file.relative + '.map';
I used to use compass, then it started taking 10-15 seconds to compile, and ended up switching back to just using sass (though with a .scss file type).