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Unable to assign python wand Image object

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I'm trying to create high res jpegs from a pdf using wand. This question is a follow up to How to create high res JPEG with Wand.

I'm getting the error:

with ok.transform('2000x1000', '100%') as image:
AttributeError: __enter__

Trying to step through the code:

Python 3.6.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 20 2017, 12:30:02) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
>>> im = ok.transform('2000x1000', '100%') 
>>> im
>>> im

you can see that I am unable to assign the transformed image to im. Why ?


  • you can see that I am unable to assign the transformed image to im. Why ?

    The method wand.image.Image.transform does not return an instance of wand.image.Image.

    Also note. The MagickWand convenience method MagickTransformImage has been removed with IM-7. Use wand.image.Image.crop & wand.image.Image.resize directly.

    with Image(filename=file_path, resolution=400) as image:
        image.crop(width=2000, height=1000)