I'm working with UAA from cloudfoundry. there are two users with same email: saml and uaa. when i do get
, uaac ask me to choose user:
uaac user get [email protected]
Select an origin:
1. uaa
Select user:
to avoid the question i can also do this:
uaac user get [email protected] --origin=uaa
and when i do
uaac member add scim.read [email protected]
i got:
RuntimeError: not all users found, none added
and i can't do
uaac member add scim.read [email protected] --origin=uaa
so how can i add one specific user to UAA?
the only way i found was to use uaac curl
uaac curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"value":"xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx","origin":"uaa","type":"USER"}' /Groups/yyyy-yyy-yyy-yyy-yyyy/members